Shri Agrasen PGTT college

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Keshav Vidyapeeth, Jamdoli, Jaipur
‘NAAC’ Grade ‘A’ College
(Affiliated to University of Rajasthan & NCTE)

College Discipline

  • You are not permitted to use Mobile Phones inside the college campus; if found using them, mobile will be taken away and a fine will be charged.
  • Roaming around the corridors during free hours is not allowed, as it disturbs other classes and causes distraction to the students who are trying to study.
  • If absent for 7 or more days without the prior approval of the authority, the Principal has the power to strike off the name of the student from the attendance register.
  • In the event of continued poor performance in internal tests and poor class attendance by any student, the principal has the authority to withhold permission for his/her to write the university examinations.
  • Any damage to the property of the college is a serious offence. Writing on walls, pillars, wash rooms, furniture or black boards is strictly prohibited.
  • Eating snacks or taking lunch inside the class rooms or along corridors are not permitted
  • Students are advised to switch off fans and lights when they leave the class rooms.
  • The behavior of the students, both within and outside the college campus, should be decent and befitting to a professional institution.

Library Rules

  • Silence must be observed in the Library.
  • Personal belongings are not allowed inside the Library.
  • All the students should make their entry into library through biometric attendance and must carry library card for issuing books.
  • Books are to be handled very carefully; if it is lost or spoiled , a penalty will be charged as per the library policy.
  • The Books borrowing limit for student is 2-7.
  • Students are not allowed to borrow books on behalf of others.
  • All users will be held responsible for any damage or loss of library materials in their possession and will be required to meet the cost of replacement and processing.
  • Books Labelled as “NOT TO BE ISSUED FOR REFERENCE” are only for consultation.
  • Misbehavior with the library staff members will lead to cancellation of membership and serious disciplinary action.
  • All users are required to show all items to the security staff before leaving the library.
Sr. no. Policies View
Admission Policy from State Government
Admission Policy from State Nodle Agency (PTET)