- To Prepare Efficient,competent,Committed Teacher Educators, administrators and researchers.
- To provide opportunities and facilities for the all-round development of teacher trainees.
- To develop sensitivity towards emerging issues in a changing society.
- To create awareness in teacher trainees about modern trends in education.
- To undertake quality research studies, consultancy and training programs.
- To make quest for excellence, an inherent aspect for all curricular and co-curricular transactions.
- To provide accessible, affordable and the finest educational programmes through a unique blend of curricular, experiential, and research-based learning structures.
- To develop a student-centric culture arguments, critical thinking, information competency and communication skills while focusing on vocational education and employability.
- To harness young talents and encourage them to take corporate and creative initiatives.
- To recognize the importance of cultural, social, environmental, and personal growth and development.
- To embrace a value-based system of education and aspire for the holistic development of our students.
- To effectively integrate Information and Communication Technology on the campus, developing competency and confidence among students.